
Being an international project with a world-wide community, many translations for Mautic exist. If you can’t find your language yet, take a look to the section about how to How to translate Mautic.

How to select a language in Mautic

There are two places to select the language for the User Interface.

Default language

The default language configuration happens first in the Mautic configuration. The default language is English - United States. Every User has this language if they don’t set something different in their profile.

  1. Open the configuration menu by clicking on the cog icon in the top right corner.

  2. Select the Configuration menu item.

  3. Select the default language.

  4. Save the configuration.

Select the default language

User language

A User can define their preferred language and override the default language. This allows a multilingual team work on the same Mautic instance.

  1. Open the User Account menu by clicking on the User’s name in the top right corner.

  2. Click on Account menu item.

  3. Select the User language.

  4. Save the User profile.

Select the user language

How to translate Mautic

It’s possible to translate Mautic into any language. As Mautic is a community project, any community member can suggest and translate Mautic into any language. Mautic uses Transifex to crowd source translations.

  1. Create an account at Transifex if you don’t have one already.

  2. Take a look at the list of languages already existing.

  3. Create a language if your language is missing, or apply for an existing language.

Take a look at official Transifex Documentation if you have any questions about the translation process.

How to update a language

Mautic downloads language updates automatically when saving Mautic’s Configuration, if language isn’t already downloaded. To force an update of a language:

  1. Open the Mautic file system via SFTP or SSH.

  2. In the Mautic root folder you should see the folder called translations. Open it.

  3. In the translations folder are the languages available in Mautic. Remove the folder of the language you want to update.

  4. Go to the Mautic Configuration and save it with the language you’ve deleted selected.

Mautic downloads the language again, with the latest translations. There is a daily process which generates the language packs from Transifex.

If you have any questions about translations, join the Mautic Community Slack.

Translation overrides

Mautic allows you to override the existing language translations without the need to hack the core files. That’s a good idea, especially because a Mautic upgrade would remove your modifications. Here’s how to change translations correctly:

As an example, to override the first menu item «Dashboard» and change it to «Banana» follow these steps:

Override Dashboard menu item

Search for the translation key

The best way to search for the right translation key is in a text editor like VS Code that allows you to search for a text in all files of Mautic’s source code and filter those files by file extension *.ini.

GitHub has also an option to search for strings in the repository - it’s not particularly good search engine but for this example it works well enough.

Try searching for “Dashboard menu” within the Mautic/Mautic repository, as there is special translation for the menu item and another for the page title. GitHub won’t find the right translation when you search for just “Dashboard” - it requires the full string. Next, use the filter to show only INI files. Here is the link to the search result:

Mautic INI files

The first file found is app/bundles/DashboardBundle/Translations/en_US/messages.ini and there is the line"Dashboard" within the file, which is text to override.

Override the translation

The string to override is

To create the override:

  1. Go to the folder translations in the root directory of the Mautic project

  2. Create new folder in it called overrides

  3. In this folder, create the folder for the locale to override. In this example, the default locale is in use - en_US - but if you use different language then you’ll see its locale as a folder in the translations folder - create a folder within the overrides folder using the exact name of the locale.

  4. In the translations/overrides/en_US folder - replace en_US with the locale you are overriding - create new file called messages.ini. Notice it’s the same filename as the original. It must be exactly the same. Some translations may be in flashes.ini or validators.ini and if you override a translation from those files then you have to create the correct file too, and add the translation strings to be overridden in the file.

In this file, copy the line to override from the original app/bundles/DashboardBundle/Translations/en_US/messages.ini file and change the translation like so:"Banana"

Save the file and clear the cache with bin/console cache:clear command. Refresh your Mautic instance, and the administration is finally perfect:

Dashboard menu item overridden to Banana