
Mautic Stages provide a means for Users to track and manage the progress of their Contacts through the various phases of the marketing lifecycle or funnel.

By categorizing Contacts into different Stages, you can better understand their engagement with the brand and tailor your marketing strategies accordingly.

Once you have created your Stages, you can easily move Contacts from one Stage to another based on their behavior or other criteria.

Creating Stages

Navigate to the Stages section in the left side menu, and then click +New.

Mautic Stages

Name - While most Companies have similar Stage structures, each Company uses them differently. Come up with the Stages you want to track different parts of your marketing funnel with.

Description - To help you and other Users easily identify what qualifies a Contact for that Stage, it’s recommended to add a description.

Weight - Used to decide the progression of your Stages. The greater the Stage weight number, the further along in the funnel a Contact is. Contacts can’t move backwards to Stages with lower weights.

Category - Assign a Category to help you organize your Stages. For more information, see Categories.

Activation options - The dashboard widget doesn’t display data for an inactive Stage. In addition, the Segment filters or Campaign conditions don’t display the Stage. To avoid using the Stage while building it, set a future activation date and time. If you want the Stage to become unavailable after a certain time, set the date and time for deactivating.

Moving Contacts between Stages

Moving Contacts between Stages requires a Campaign action.

Depending on how you define your Contact lifecycle and Stages, there may be different triggers for a Contact to move between Stages. Examples include behaviors within a Campaign, or moving between Segments which have criteria set up for each Stage.

In any Campaign where you want to have Contacts move between new Stages:

Moving Contacts between Stages

  1. Add a new Action.

  2. Select Change Contact’s Stage as the action type.

  3. Select the Stage you want to move the Contacts to. You can base this on a prior event, or on a Segment that Contacts are in based on filters matching your requirements for a Stage.

For more information on setting up Campaigns, see Triggering Campaign events


You can have multiple funnels with different Stages, and multiple Stages across those funnels with the same weight. A Contact can only ever be in one Stage at a time. It’s not possible to move a Contact to a Stage which has a lesser weight than their current Stage. For example if they’re currently in Stage B which has a weight of 50, you can’t move them to Stage A which has a weight of 25.

Visualizing Stage movement

The Mautic dashboard features two widgets to help Users see how Contacts are moving between Stages.

Visualizing Stage movement

The Stages in time widget shows how often Contacts change Stages. More change indicates more velocity through your funnel.


The lifecycle widget enables marketers to see the number of Contacts within a specified Segment in each Stage. You may include multiple Segments on the widget. It’s possible to have more than one lifecycle widget to break down the information into separate graphs, but still display the data on the dashboard for multiple Segments.