How to switch to Composer
Until Mautic 4, you could download Mautic as a ZIP file and install it on any PHP server.
However, many Mautic Users were running into installation and update errors, many of which caused considerable frustration and in some cases, significant business disruption.
In addition, Mautic recently introduced the Mautic Marketplace which isn’t compatible with this installation method.
As a result of the reasons mentioned previously, Composer becomes the default method for installing and updating Mautic starting with the release of Mautic 5. Read more in the this blog post.
Switching to a Composer-based installation
Before starting, it’s good to understand that there’s two aspects to Mautic:
The database - This is where Mautic stores your Contact data.
The codebase - This is where Mautic interacts with the database.
When switching to a Composer-based installation, the database isn’t touched, only the codebase.
In this tutorial, it’s assumed that Mautic is currently installed in /var/www/html
Here’s the steps to follow to switch to a Composer-based installation:
Go to
composer create-project mautic/recommended-project:^5 html-new --no-interaction
Copy the following files and folders from
:Configuration files - in most cases, located at
- move todocroot/app/config/local.php
The entire
directory - move todocroot/plugins
.Uploads - in most cases, located at
- move todocroot/app/media/files
respectively.Custom dashboards from
- move todocroot/app/media/dashboards
Any custom Themes from
- move to/docroot/themes
Any translations from
- move to/docroot/translations
Update your web server configuration to point to
instead of/var/www/html
Log in to Mautic, and in your global settings enable the switch to fully manage Mautic with Composer - this also enables you to work with the Mautic Marketplace.

You have successfully switched to a Composer-based installation. Test Mautic to see if it works as expected.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is existing data retained?
A: Yes, switching to the Composer-based installation only affects app files. It doesn’t affect your data in any way.
Q: What’s the minimum Mautic version required to switch to the Composer-based installation?
A: It is necessary to have at least Mautic 4.0.0 in order to switch to a Composer-based installation.